CALUMO – Create a Subset and use it in a Report Dropdown Video
This video introduces the CMEMBER CALUMO formula. This formula is used in most CALUMO reports to filter and/or display user-friendly names for dimension members, such as Account names. Subsets let you control dropdown options within CMEMBER.
In CALUMO, it is common to filter reports using one or more slicers. For example, you might filter on company, cost centre, or month. In the video, a user could click the month to open Member Explorer, where they could then find and select another month. But what if we want them to be able to choose from a defined list using a dropdown? This is where subsets and toggling on the dropdown option become important.
CMEMBER is very flexible and has a range of parameters to define how it behaves. You can learn more about CMEMBER by checking out the CALUMO Help Documentation: CMEMBER
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